A production by ANTONIO BANDERAS and EMILIO ARAGÓN, Teatro del Soho CaixaBank and Estudio Caribe.
Originally conceived and directed by John-Michael Tebelak.
Music and new lyrics by Stephen Schwartz.
Directed by Emilio Aragón
The scene starts in a place that could as well be a theater warehouse, as a rickety corrala of neighbors. In it we discover our characters, a young theater company, performing a play for the audience. Everything is apparently normal, but both the play and the context in which it takes place will show us that it is not.
Through each of the characters and their respective encounters with Jesus, we will revisit the Gospels of the New Testament, thus initiating a personal journey of no return.
Tolerance and respect for those who are different, the need to build and weave community support networks, compassion for any human being, sustainable and shared wealth, the freedom to be and choose, co-responsibility in the construction of a good life for all, the right to make mistakes and start over, to grieve with the suffering of others, to live whole, laugh, love, sing, play…to live, until we die.
And, at the end of the journey, when we feel that everything is over, that darkness floods everything, Godspell reminds us that there is hope, that everything starts again, that out there, there is a new passion.
Musical numbers
Act One
1. Prologo
2. Preparad el camino
3. Ven a salvarnos
4. Día a día
5. Aprende bien tus lecciones
6. Bendice a Dios
7. Todo a fin de bien
8. Todos los buenos dones
Second act
10. Deshaz tu camino
11. Qué pena por vosotros
12. Junto a mí
13. Te rogamos
14. Una ciudad hermosa
15. En los sauces
16. Final
GENRE: Musical
LENGTH: 120 min.
PRODUCER: Teatro de Soho and Emilio Aragón