Médico de familia Animation

Based on the Spanish series Médico de Familia. This animated series narrates the experiences of the Martini family, formed by the doctor Lele Martini, his three children, Maria, Ciccio and Annuccia, and grandfather Libero.

El Club de la Comedia

A program based on a genre of humor with a long tradition in Anglo-Saxon countries: stand-up comedy.

¡Qué bello es sobrevivir!

An animated series that follows the events in the lives of the Balor family, of lower middle class, living on the ninth floor of a 70s building.

Defensor 5, la última patrulla

First national series in 3D, in which scientists create a sphere in order to store all knowledge of history after an apocalyptic war. The patrol, called Defensor 5, will be in charge of defending the sphere from the attempts of robbery by Amo.

Esquimales en el Caribe

An iceberg carrying an igloo breaks off after a storm at the North Pole. The elderly Papok, children Nanook, Anook, Tik-tok and Caya, and their pets Piki and Pulito live in this igloo, which drifts to a city in the Caribbean, Chachapapa.

Sin complejos

TV contest in which four couples participate. Only the desire to have fun and the lack of ridicule are important.

Médico de familia

The stories in this television series reach all audiences and its historic success has transcended the borders of Spain. Five seasons on air, 119 episodes, an average audience of 7,646,000 viewers and market share of over 40% are enough to endorse the social impact of the most-watched and most-awarded series of the 90s in Spain.

El gran juego de la oca

A novel contest in Spain, both for its original format and for its great production work. It has more than 6,500,000 viewers and during its 39 weeks of broadcasting it sees an average of 32 % market share.

Noche, noche Sintonía

Gala de Navidad and Gala de Noche de Reyes La Regala

Special gala broadcasted on Christmas Eve 1992, recorded at the Palau Sant Jordi (Barcelona) with 25,000 spectators, and which sees about 1,000 people parade on its stage.