‘Circlassica’, emotional journey into the soul of the circus
Almería will experience an emotional journey to the heart of the circus
through the magic of ‘Circassica’ until Sunday, February 2 at the
Maestro Padilla Auditorium.
Almería will experience an emotional journey to the heart of the circus
through the magic of ‘Circassica’ until Sunday, February 2 at the
Maestro Padilla Auditorium.
After the success achieved in Madrid with 185,000 spectators, ‘Circassica’
reaches the port city by the hand of Productores de Sonrisas, which wanted to pay tribute to 250 years of the modern circus.
spectators in the second concert of Lucha de Gigantes
“My father accompanies me every day in my heart and in my thoughts.
Obviously, in a tent, even more,” says the artistic director of ‘Circassica’
Emilio Aragón and Acción Contra el Hambre bring together
20 artists and almost 4,000 spectators in the second concert
of Lucha de Gigantes
Action Against Hunger organizes a benefit concert next Wednesday, December 18 at 9:00 p.m. at the WiZink Center in Madrid with a very special theme: water
The benefit concert, held next Wednesday at the Wizink Center, is organized by Action Against Hunger
The Battle of Giants, solidarity event of Action Against Hunger, will host the performances of Kiko Veneno, Miguel Ríos or Los Secretos, among others
The comedian has presented Battle of the Giants, a benefit concert in collaboration with Action Against Hunger, and has explained the work of the NGO in West African countries